My purpose in this internet space of mine is to transmit relevant knowledge about the public policies and regulations in the telecommunications and ICT sectors in Peru and the Latin American countries.
For that purpose, I share my analysis and thoughts about the current publications and facts related to the sector, such as financial and statistical reports, academic research papers, among others.
Moreover, I track the main rules published in the sector in order to synthesize the central ideas, taking into account the perspective from the policy makers and regulators as well as the operators, in an unbiased way.
The articles are written in a clear and concise manner to balance extension and depth, in order to gain a good comprehension of the topics of the articles.
Javier Morales Fhon
Consultant in market studies, business planning, public policies and regulatory advice in telecommunications and ICT, with 10 years of experience in the sector. MSc Economics and Competition Law by Toulouse School of Economics (TSE, France), Economics Engineer by National University of Engineering (UNI, Peru); Lawyer by Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega (UIGV, Peru).
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