This is a summarized version of the original article in Spanish
The National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) proposed 66 initiatives in the 2017-2018 regulatory agenda: 17 were met in 2017, and 21 had the goal to publish a regulatory impact report. Taking into account the other 28 initiatives in 2018, whose goals were the publication of the resolution or the public consultation, only 20 were published at the end of 2018. Other 3 initiatives were published as public consultations, but they were planned as resolutions. Among the most important iniciatives are the rule of the spectrum caps, the methodology to set prices for the use of the spectrum, the definition of the relevant markets, the sharing of poles with the power distributors, the interconnection rules, the regulation of IoT applications, the telecoms network plan and the single concession regime. Anatel wants to tender the 700 MHz, 2.3 GHz and 3.5 GHz bands in 2019. In addition, Anatel decided not to sign TelefĂłnica’s Conversion Agreement (TAC). Anatel also confirmed Oi’s compliance with the net neutrality.
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